Some years ago, I decided to better integrate into my community by becoming a weekend realtor, and I have loved the job. Public relations is such a demanding discipline as any of my peers would know, while the job of listing, selling and helping neighbors find new homes is most fulfilling work, actually therapeutic in that it gets me engaged in helping people during transitioning periods in their lives. I just love the work and perhaps because I enjoy it so much, I have managed to become a top producer, even though I do it only part-time.
In the past month, I have become deeply involved in a most sensitive issue which has pitted neighbor against neighbor in my community of Yorktown Heights, NY, and it has combined my years of experience in public relations with that of my real estate experience. It involved the right of recovering alcoholics and substance abusers to live among us in what is known as a sober living residence. The residence requires a special use permit, and the applicants came to our public relations firm for representation in their quest to obtain it.
Our involvement involved issues management of the highest order, and our campaign got started with a highly charged article I wrote for a local newspaper. In hindsight, It may have been too passionate a piece because it certainly did raise the ire of the surrounding neighbors objecting to the project. What do you think?